I’m hooked on RSpec after my first taste (thanks to
Chapter 1: From zero to deploy | Ruby on Rails Tutorial | Learn Enough to Be Dangerous). And of course I
have a newbish question.
Assume a contrived doc structure like:
moribund |
Now lets say I want to write an RSpec controller test that will pass if
the status is “moribund” or “Moribund” or “MORIBUND”.
I know I can write:
it “should be moribund” do
get :show
response.should have_selector(“td”, :class => “status”, :content =>
… which captures the fact that the status string is inside a
“td.status” element, but is case sensitive. Alternatively I could
it “should be moribund” do
get :show
response.body.should =~ /moribund/i
… which is case insensitive but doesn’t discriminate where the string
appears in the document.
What’s the right idiom to navigate to a specific place in a document
(preferably using CSS navigation syntax) AND perform a case-insensitive
- ff
P.S.: I fully appreciate that you shouldn’t normally hardwire the
document structure into the test itself – that’s not what this question
is about!
P.P.S: I know that response is an ActionController::TestResponse object,
but haven’t been able to find docs or sources for that – where should I