I’m running a simple “What is your name program” . The only thing that’s not working is the last puts. I need to do : “puts Hello, first name, last name”. I’ve rewrote this as many different ways as i can, but puts always displays: Hello first name
last name.
Why won’t it display all on one line? All my other puts statements display just fine.
This is my code: puts “Hello” “#{name1}” + “#{name2}”
puts "Hello #{name1} #{name2}"
|### Lawrence C. Mellen <lmellen4@gmail.com>|1:22 PM (7 minutes ago)||
| — | — | — |
|to hey
Thanks for the reply, but it’s not still not working:
puts “What is your first name?”
name1 = gets
puts “What is your last name?”
name2 = gets
puts “Hello #{name1} #{name2}”
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
Hello Donald
Hi @tofif,
There reason is that gets method including a line break, so you need chomp to remove it. This will make your code to looks like:
puts "What is your first name?"
name1 = gets.chomp
puts "What is your last name?"
name2 = gets.chomp
puts "Hello #{name1} #{name2}"
1 Like
Thanks Maniac,
I kept thinking the problem was in the 5th line. Now I now better! Thanks again!
You’re welcome!