This is certainly well known, but not to me.
a = [{“aa”=>“bb”},{“aa”=>“bb”}]
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]
Why? and, what should I use instead of .uniq
to remove the duplicate?
Thank you
This is certainly well known, but not to me.
a = [{“aa”=>“bb”},{“aa”=>“bb”}]
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]
Why? and, what should I use instead of .uniq
to remove the duplicate?
Thank you
Alle Saturday 11 October 2008, [email protected] ha scritto:
Why? and, what should I use instead of .uniq
to remove the duplicate?Thank you
It works for me (with ruby-1.8.7-p72):
irb(main):005:0> a = [{“aa” => “bb”}, {“aa” => “bb”}]
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]
irb(main):006:0> a.uniq
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}]
Which version of ruby are you using?
I get the same results as Piero on 1.8.6 p114, the most recent built-in
version on Mac OS X 10.5.5 (unless an update was included in the recent
security update that I haven’t yet applied).
a = [{“aa”=>“bb”},{“aa”=>“bb”}]
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]a.uniq
=> [{“aa”=>“bb”}, {“aa”=>“bb”}]exit
slapshot:~ cdemyanovich$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]
$ ruby --version
$ ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]
I guess I am out of luck?
In case, any 1.8.6 solution?
[email protected] pisze:
1.8.7 and 1.9.x use deep hashing for hashes, to achieve that in 1.8.6
you need to monkey patch Hash:
On Oct 11, 3:59 pm, Marcin Miel¿yñski [email protected] wrote:
you need to monkey patch Hash:
Monkeypatched. What a shame.
Thomas B. wrote:
with the three {“aa”=>“bb”} object still reported to be ==.
Yes, but not eql?. In 1.8.6 there were no Hash#hash and Hash#eql?
methods so
it used Object#hash and Object#eql?, which considers two objects equal
when they’re actually the same object.
Marcin Mielżyński wrote:
1.8.7 and 1.9.x use deep hashing for hashes, to achieve that in 1.8.6
you need to monkey patch Hash:
So I believe this is sort of a bug in the old version? Because now I can
even get to this absurd:
irb(main):007:0> z={a[0]=>:x,a[1]=>:y}
=> {{“aa”=>“bb”}=>:x, {“aa”=>“bb”}=>:y} # absurd number 1
irb(main):008:0> z[{“aa”=>“bb”}]
=> nil # absurd number two
with the three {“aa”=>“bb”} object still reported to be ==.
Thomas B. pisze:
=> nil # absurd number two
with the three {“aa”=>“bb”} object still reported to be ==.
It’s not an absurd, just a consequence Hash doesn’t have it’s own hash
(just default Object#hash). I agree it’s a bit surprising but deep
hashing is slower by a fair amount.
Comparison function will not even be called here since it fails earlier,
at hash bucket lookup:
a = {“aa”=>“bb”}
b = {“aa”=>“bb”}
a.hash != b.hash
Btw, Hash doesn’t use “==” for object comparison, it uses “eql?”
Marcin Mielżyński:
1.8.7 and 1.9.x use deep hashing for hashes, to achieve that in
1.8.6 you need to monkey patch Hash:
Right, and I use ‘alias eql? ==’ and hand-crafted hash methods
in most of my classes that need to be sane Set elements.
I understand the idea behind the hash method (let’s have a quick way
to check whether two objects are different – and look closely with eql?
only if their hashes are the same), but I wonder whether there are any
rules-of-thumb for finding the sweet spot between making it fast and
making it return different results for different objects often.
For example, is 137 in the above pastie snippet a ‘magic number’ that
it’s good to multiply by? I understand how the bitwise XORs make every
key and value impact the hash, but why not also multiply by 137 between
the key+value iterations?
– Shot
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