Newbie question: Value from YML file into a class

On my project we’re using ActiveLdap. One of our classes, called
Account. It
extends the ActiveLdap::Base class and has a call to define it’s LDAP
mappings as follows:

class Account < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => ‘cn’, prefix => ‘cn=users,cn=accounts’

The value passed to prefix, though, needs to come from a YML file. But,
not sure how to get the value there. I’ve tried loading the YML
and accessing the value, but I’m perpetually getting a nil value. In
another class, named LdapConnection, I load the YML and, from Account,
to grab the “prefix” value, but no luck.

Any help/advice is appreciated.

On May 29, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

But, I’m
not sure how to get the value there. I’ve tried loading the YML
and accessing the value, but I’m perpetually getting a nil value. In
another class, named LdapConnection, I load the YML and, from
Account, try
to grab the “prefix” value, but no luck.

Any help/advice is appreciated.

probably the yaml keys are strings and you are accessing them via

a @