hi everybody!
i am very new to ruby and tried to I18Ns my applications (ruby-scripts
and rails-applications). for that task i found to approaches:
but in my point of view both tools have contras.
GETTEXT: PO-files must be converted to MO-files. therefore everytime a
translation is edited, i need to create new MO-files. Or am I wrong?
GLOBALIZE: in my opinion there are things that should be stored in a
database and things that shouldn’t be stored in a database. translation
information should NOT be stored in a database.
what i am interested in: is there a possibilty / tool to use a more
java-like approach to i18n in ruby?
if you don’t know java-i18n:
- file-based
- translations are organized via keys
- keys are stored in files: basename_LOCALE.properties … for example
basename_EN.properties includes all translations for en. - dynamic content can be mixed with translations using
“{X}”-placeholders… useful for a text like “you deleted 200 files”
(200 is dynamic gg)
for a more detailed overview to java-i18n please consult:
hope you can help me … please consider … i am new to ruby gg