I was looking for a newsletter extension and I found the one made by
Andrea F., which seems to be the only one or at least the most used.
It’s pretty good and everything work except the send newsletter part.
When I send a newsletter as a test email it works but when I send it to
all the subscribers it only store the newsletter in the database and
queue it.
I saw that there is a send rake task, but when I launch the task nothing
more happen. It just adds a new line in the log table telling that there
is one email to send.
So does anybody have a clue about that or did I miss something?
It sounds like you are doing the right thing. Since your test email
goes through, your SMTP settings must be correct. That would have been
my first guess otherwise.
You must run “rake radiant:extensions:newsletter:email:send” to send
the emails. I prefer to setup a cron job (crontab -e) to do this every
10 minutes or so. If you don’t get any errors when you run this task,
but don’t get any mails either, you should check development.log, and
possibly your local mail-dir, where cron likes to post it’s output to.
About the rake task I did try it but the only things I get was the
message “found 1 emails to send”. And this message is stored in the
newsletter_logs table. I didn’t put this command in a cron job as it
should be the same result at the end.
Now about the smtp settings I don’t have them yet. The application is
still in development so all the emails are sent in my terminal.
So maybe I shall configure them but I don’t see why all the other emails
works and are sent in my terminal except the newsletters ones (however I
received the test email in the terminal).
I’ve never used pilu’s (or any) newsletter extension, but if all you
want to do is collect email adresses from your site, you really don’t
need one.
There are a whole lot of aspects about sending newsletters to get
right, so in my opinion, you should leave that to an external service
like CampaignMonitor.
They make it very easy to create a piece of embed code to collect
adresses from your site.
We have plans to integrate CM better with radiant via CM’s API, but it
may well take a long time before we finally get to it.
Clients would be able to view their subscribers list and opening rates
in the backend, and perhaps even send new campaigns from there.