Nginx 1.8.0 not logging properly

I’m using the Nginx 1.8.0 rpm found on
Index of /packages/centos/7/x86_64/RPMS/ with a config that has
been working fine so far with Nginx 1.6.x.

The problem is that sometimes I get 500 Internal Server Errors but even
though have the line “error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;” in
nginx.conf I don’t get any log entries. When I restart Nginx I get the
following in the error log:
2015/12/09 12:16:45 [alert] 32589#0: *1662117 open socket #10 left in
connection 25
2015/12/09 12:16:45 [alert] 32589#0: *1662116 open socket #3 left in
connection 43
2015/12/09 12:16:45 [alert] 32589#0: aborting

Any ideas what might be going on here? Clearly Nginx can write to the
log yet for the 500 errors for example it just doesn’t which makes
finding out what is causing these errors a bit problematic.
If I can’t find out how to fix this the only option I see is downgrading
to 1.6.x again.
