Nginx and tproxy

Hi all:

Can we let both work together? Anyone can share his experience with us
if we
want to integrate them?

thanks in advance


By tproxy you mean transparent proxying as in doing proxy requests from
nginx while using clients IP?

It is far more simple to use the Real IP module
Module ngx_http_realip_module ( pretty much all webservers
(apache -
mod_rpaf / lighttpd - mod_extforward etc) have such modules in one or
another form ) rather than trying to achieve it on TCP level.

And it is also straight forward to implement it in any other backend


From: Geoge.Q
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 6:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: nginx and tproxy

Hi all:

Can we let both work together? Anyone can share his experience with us
if we want to integrate them?

thanks in advance


nginx mailing list
[email protected]

thanks your feedback.

Yes, we want to get the source-ip directly.
However, if we want to get real client ip from L7 layer, we need modify
backend configuration, in some case, we have no permission to modify the
configuration of Web-server.

Is there other way to get client IP other than x-forward-for/x-real-ip?
