Nginx SSO service for different backend web servers/apps


We have a couple different services running in different machines, web
servers/wep applications.
We would like to have a Single Sign-On (SSO) in front of these servers,
now they have their own accounts + passwords, eg. login pages.
So i am asking is there any good SSO modules for nginx to use for or any
help how we can make it happen?

Pekka Panula | Jatkuvat palvelut | Sofor Oy |
Takakaarre 3 | PL 51 |FIN-62201 KAUHAVA | tel. +358 6 432 3111 | fax.
6 432 3555
Mob. + 358 50 384 3232 | removed_email_address@domain.invalid

Hi there,

Any luck on this topic? I’m trying to see if we can achieve exactly the
same scenario.


Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:02 AM, q42jaap removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Any luck on this topic? I’m trying to see if we can achieve exactly the
same scenario.

The easiest way is to use embedded scripting. You can authenticate and
authorize from within some perl handler, where you can set variables and
pass them to upstream through internal redirect. It’s not perfect and
even ugly, but should work.

Proper solution would be to use scripted access handler, which is doable
with 3rd party modules/distributions.