Ngx_lua v0.2.0 is now released with lots of bug fixes

Hi, folks!

After 5 months’ active development, the ngx_lua module v0.2.0 release
is now finally released:

This release contains lots of bug fixes as well as some new features.
Many many thanks go to all our users and contributors worldwide,
especially moodydeath :slight_smile:

The ngx_lua module embeds the Lua/LuaJIT interpreter into the nginx
core and integrates the powerful Lua threads (aka Lua coroutines) into
the nginx event model by means of nginx subrequests.

You can get the latest source code and full documentation from the
ngx_lua’s project page:

GitHub - openresty/lua-nginx-module: Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers

This module is now included in our ngx_openresty bundle:

Here goes the complete change log for this release:

  • now we support ngx.var[1], ngx.var[2], and etc to refer to the nginx
    regex capturing variables $1, $2, and etc in Lua. this resolved
    github issue #43. thanks Tobia C. for reporting it.

  • now we use the same value overriding mechanism as ngx_rewrite’s set
    command for ngx.var.VAR = new_value. Assigning values to special
    variables like $limit_rate and $args should now work; also writing to
    built-in variables that are not changeable (like $arg_PARAMETER) will
    result in a 500 error page, as expected, now. thanks Richard K.
    for reporting it.

  • fixed the lua_code_cache off warning when the lua_code_cache is
    explicitly on. thanks Feng Xingguo.

  • applied the patch from cyberty to add ngx.http_time() function to
    expose the nginx core function ngx_http_time to the Lua land.

  • fixed an issue on i386: we now use off_t consistently. mixing it
    with size_t on 32-bit systems can cause Bad Things. this fixed github
    issue #42. thanks moodydeath.

  • fixed an issue on i386: fixed a formatter mismatch issue in
    ngx_http_echo_adjust_subrequest. thanks Wang Bin. This caused
    incorrect subrequest Content-Length header when a body is specified.

  • now in the subrequest capturing processor, we worked around an issue
    in ngx_http_static_module that when it issues 301 redirect for
    directory access w/o a trailing slash, it does not inject
    r->headers_out.location into the r->headers_out.headers list. thanks
    moodydeath for reporting it in the discussion of github issue #41.

  • fixed a bug in ngx.location.capture() and
    ngx.location.capture_multi() that we could not capture locations with
    internal redirections in them. thanks moodydeath for reporting it in
    github issue #41.

  • fixed redundant last chunk issue for ngx.exec() invocation at
    rewrite and access phases: we should quit the current core_run_phases
    cycle; this also fixed github issue #40: 2 Subrequest calls when using
    access_by_lua, ngx.exec and echo_location.

  • fixed ngx.exit(status) where status >= 200 and status < 300 for
    access_by_lua* and rewrite_by_lua*: it should quit the whole request
    altegother and skip all those subsequent phase handlers (if any).
    thanks moodydeath for reporting it.

  • fixed github issue #39: setting differnt response headers in Lua
    with common prefix might interfere with each other. thanks moodydeath.

  • fixed GitHub issue #38: request headers did not forward to
    subrequests when the “method” or “body” option is explicitly specified
    by a non-nil value for ngx.location.capture(). thanks Richard

  • fixed a bug in output header set; we should always set the
    header->hash to 1. thanks moodydeath for reporting it.

  • fixed spots that trigger the “variable set but not used” warning
    issued by gcc 4.6.0.

  • now we turn the ngx.req.header table into an ngx.req.get_headers()
    function; we also added ngx.req.set_header(name, value) and
    ngx.req.clear_header(name). thanks moodydeath.

  • now we make ngx_devel_kit (NDK) optional. thanks Kirill A. Korinskiy.

  • removed a duplicate definition of the ngx_str_set macro caught by
    ctags; also fixed a warning thrown by gcc -O3 on Mac OS X 10.6.

  • added patch to use PCRE related Lua extensions in ngx_lua

  • now we change the way we process HTTP 1.0 requests by automatically
    buffering all the user outputs generated by ngx.print()/ngx.say()
    calls, which is much more natural than the old broken way.

  • fixed the “ngx.exec() after ngx.location.capture() hanging” bug for
    rewrite_by_lua* and access_by_lua* as well. thanks Wendal C…

  • applied a patch from moodydeath to introduce the “ngx.is_subrequest”

  • now we encourage use of the client_body_in_single_buffer directive
    instead of big client_body_buffer_size when lua_need_request_body is
    turned on.

  • fixed the config script and added extra linking options needed by
    LuaJIT in 64-bit Mac OS X.

  • fixed the zero size alert caused by ngx.print(“”) in Lua.

  • now we always allocate r->request_body for subrequests when the
    method option is specified for ngx.location.capture*. this prevents
    accidental inheritance of parent request’s request body when
    client_body_buffer_size < client_max_body_size.



On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:33 PM, agentzh [email protected] wrote:
built-in variables that are not changeable (like $arg_PARAMETER) will
with size_t on 32-bit systems can cause Bad Things. this fixed github
moodydeath for reporting it in the discussion of github issue #41.

by a non-nil value for ngx.location.capture(). thanks Richard
ngx.req.clear_header(name). thanks moodydeath.
calls, which is much more natural than the old broken way.


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