Hi all,
I have a module to demodulate packets received from a
file source, and it works fine. I want to have a fixed
number of inputs (1024) coming from the demodulator.
What i did is i override the forcast method of
usbm::forecast (int noutput_items,
unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size ();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ninputs; i++)
ninput_items_required[i] =1024 ;
But the problem is that evenif i dont get less than
1024 items, the input varies with the differenc calls
to the method.
Here is a sample of the input items from a demod
number of items: 1027
number of items: 2047
number of items: 1025
number of items: 1024
number of items: 2047
number of items: 1024
number of items: 1026
number of items: 2047
number of items: 1025
number of items: 2053
Does this mean that the size of the output from the
demodulator block varies ?
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