Noob on Mac OS w/ MySQL Problem

Hello everyone!

I’m very much a noob (to Ruby, Rails, and even the Terminal) so bear
with me. I got the following error message while trying to following a
simple blog creation tutorial. Everything was going fine until I typed

rake db:create

which brought the error message:

coconut:myblog username$ rake db:create
(in /Users/username/Desktop/ruby_on_rails/myblog)
!!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please
install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
rake aborted!
no such file to load – mysql

I have looked online and read that I am not the only one hitting this
error message, however I do not understand the directions on various
message boards and was hoping someone here could help – perhaps with
detailed directions (assume I know very little about how to use the
terminal, which is true)…

What I have read is that there is something wrong with the latest
version of ____? which doesn’t have the right MySQL. There is some dll
file to download and put somewhere but I think that’s not for Mac OS
users so I’m completely lost. Any help on what to do and how to do it
would be greatly appreciated!


Are you able to run the MySQL monitor?

If not then…

install MySQL on your system.

On 28 February 2010 15:15, Adena D. [email protected] wrote:

which brought the error message:
I have looked online and read that I am not the only one hitting this

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Charles A. Lopez
[email protected]

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(IBM Partner)

Dear All,

I’m having difficulites after installing my rails.
The installation is a success, i installed several mandatory gems,

After creating 1 controller and 1 view (.rhtml), the browser gives:
“We’re sorry, but something went wrong. We’ve been notified about this
issue and we’ll take a look at it shortly.”
everytime i browse to the page. But the localhost:3000 page looks ok,
except when I clicked on “About your application’s environment” link. It
gives the same error.

I google around and found out that i must install the database first. I
have installed MySQL previousely, and it active as a service, and I also
have XAMPP running. So I browse around for mysql gem, and install all of
its dependencies.
So far here’s what i have installed, 14 gems:
actionmailer, actionpack, activerecord, activeresource, activesupport,
gemcutter, hoe, json_pure, rack, rails, rake, rake-compiler, rubyforge,
I also modified the database.yml to this
adapter: mysql
database: testrb_test
username: root
password: root
host: localhost

All the same setting for development, test, and production setting.
But when i tries to install mysql.gem (gem install mysql), it always
"ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
extconf.rb failed
Could not create makefile, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or

Where did i go wrong?

FYI, i’m running on winxp, with mysql 5.




From: Charles A. Lopez [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2010 4:22:16
Subject: Re: [Rails] Noob on Mac OS w/ MySQL Problem…

Are you able to run the MySQL monitor?

If not then…
install MySQL on your system.

On 28 February 2010 15:15, Adena D. [email protected] wrote:

error message, however I do not understand the directions on various

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