NotebookSizer? / Resizing a listbook

There seems to be a NotebookSizer in C++ wxWidgets, is it in wxRuby or
is it going to be? Not a lot of info to be found about that one.

I’ve been trying to apply sizers to a Listbook but nothing goes at it
should be. Nothing is visible until I resize the top frame a little and
in best case I can get either horizontal grow but not simultaneous
vertical grow.

Would anyone mind showing me how am I supposed to use sizers so that the
listbook resizes and the panels in a listbook too?


I wrote two small examples. Take a look. I’m in a bit of a hurry so I
couldn’t get the simple_notebook.rb example to work 100% properly but I
think the example shows a solution to your problem :slight_smile:

Something alot of people might actually have trouble with is the
arguments to <some_sizer>.add( ). It’s really not that difficult a
concept to grasp but difficult to explain. I’m currently writing a
wxRuby tutorial and I’m kind of blocked on the subject. Basically most
of the layout stuff that you want to do is pretty easy using BoxSizer

When nesting sizers it is easy to forget when adding sizers to one
another to specify the needed proportions and GROW flags.

Hope this helps.


Jonathan M. wrote:

I wrote two small examples. Take a look. I’m in a bit of a hurry so I
couldn’t get the simple_notebook.rb example to work 100% properly but I
think the example shows a solution to your problem :slight_smile:

Wow, thanks. :slight_smile: Really helpful example for me.