So I am using rufus-scheduler to call a controller which in turn calls
email receiver to check emails…
In my controller, I have an instance method called checkEmail
In my rufus config file, I have to call
Now I
set it to run every 5 minutes. So the system creates a new MyController
instance every 5 minutes. That’s very inefficient right?
I guess I can change the instance method to a class method. That would
solve the efficiency problem right?
What else can I do? Are there some advanced features in rails to mange
object instance more efficiently?
In my rufus config file, I have to call Now I
set it to run every 5 minutes. So the system creates a new MyController
instance every 5 minutes. That’s very inefficient right?
Normally it would be worth worrying about ten and hundreds of requests
a second… I don’t think one every five minutes is going to cook the
What else can I do? Are there some advanced features in rails to mange
object instance more efficiently?
What problems are you suffering? Have you measured the degradation in
performance on your system?
PS I would suggest that if Rufus is polling a method, that method
should not be on a controller. It should be on a model, or as a
stand-alone lib class.
Just want to know the best practices to make sure I get off on the right
foot. I think on a general rule, creating fewer instances of an object
is ideal for performance right? (I am not suffering any real problems
In Java, there is Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection. I have
read some blog saying that Rails’s way is using Modules. I have to look
into more on Modules – for example, are they equivalent to global
Just want to know the best practices to make sure I get off on the right
foot. I think on a general rule, creating fewer instances of an object is
ideal for performance right? (I am not suffering any real problems yet)
In Java, there is Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection. I have read
some blog saying that Rails’s way is using Modules. I have to look into
more on Modules – for example, are they equivalent to global functions?
People really need to use Modules more and classes less, for example
people often use a singleton class where they should be using a
Module… why should they be using a module? Because that class is
never going to initialized and it’s not meant to be… IMO the only
time you use a singleton class is when you are mixing the way
ActiveRecord does when you inherit from it.
You wouldn’t believe how many people I see /only/ use a Module when
they plan to inherit from it, and it’s kind intriguing they do that
because the way I see it, Modules are (in simplistic terms) organized
groups of code that can run independently or be inherited from. There
are of course technical differences that make Modules better than
Classes in some cases and Classes better than modules in some cases
but I’m not here to write a book for you.
On Monday, 10 September 2012 12:59:22 UTC-4, rails2012 wrote:
Just want to know the best practices to make sure I get off on the right
foot. I think on a general rule, creating fewer instances of an object is
ideal for performance right? (I am not suffering any real problems yet)
Running less code in general is good for performance, but there’s enough
churn (from the rest of the stack) of objects being created and
that unless your code is doing A LOT of creation it’s not likely to be
–Matt J.
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