With Rails 3 beta,
activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/object/extending.rb is gone, and
with it Object.subclasses_of.
Is there an official replacement for that ? Maybe in Ruby 1.8.7 ?
Hey Julien, that method was among a few that were removed because they
kinda internal and were no longer being used in the framework. The
in Rails that keep track of subclasses do that by themselves.
But some plugins were actually using Object#subclasses_of, so it is now
in master and there are no plans to deprecate it.
On Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:59:02 AM UTC+9, Xavier N. wrote:
Is there an official replacement for that ? Maybe in Ruby 1.8.7 ?
Hey Julien, that method was among a few that were removed because they
were kinda internal and were no longer being used in the framework. The
classes in Rails that keep track of subclasses do that by themselves.
But some plugins were actually using Object#subclasses_of, so it is now
back in master and there are no plans to deprecate it.
It doesn’t appear to exist in the source code of 3.2.8. Digging through
the git history, it looks like it was reinstated Feb 9 2010 but then
removed again Jul 5 2010 (commit