Hi All,
I want to use observe_field on multiple select box.
following is my code
<%= select_tag ‘usa[states][]’,
options_from_collection_for_select(state, :state, :state, nil),
:multiple => true, :class=>“multi_select” %>
<%= observe_field :usa_states_ , :url =>{:controller=>“logins”,:action
=>‘multi_select_city’, :id=>‘1’}, :update=> ‘deliverable_city’ , :with
=> “’
:on=>‘click’ %>
I want to select the city of the different State i selected through
multiple select box.
My problem is that i get only one value of a state when i click the
multiple states i don’t where i’m goin wrong.
Is it possible to use observe_field on multiple select box?
Thanks & Regards,
Salil G.