I was having some odd results when working with acts_as_ferret (current
trunk), so I decided to test with the current version of ferret to see
if I encountered the same problem. I did. Here are the details:
installed ferret 0.10.10 on debian sarge with ‘sudo gem install ferret’
(btw, same results on OSX)
opened up an irb session:
irb(main):001:0> require ‘rubygems’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require ‘ferret’
=> true
irb(main):003:0> include Ferret
=> Object
irb(main):004:0> i = Ferret::I.new
=> #<Ferret::Index::Index:0xb77dc1f4 @options={:default_field=>:,
:lock_retry_time=>2}, @mon_entering_queue=[], @qp=nil, @searcher=nil,
@mon_count=0, @default_field=:, @close_dir=true, @auto_flush=false,
@open=true, @mon_owner=nil, @id_field=:id, @reader=nil,
@mon_waiting_queue=[], @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id,
*** Now let’s add 3 strings to the index ***
irb(main):005:0> [“While you were out pet care”, “Eastside dog walker”,
“Top daw
g dog walker”].each {|text| i << text }
=> [“While you were out pet care”, “Eastside dog walker”, “Top dawg dog
*** Now let’s do some searches ***
irb(main):006:0> puts i.search(‘pet’)
TopDocs: total_hits = 1, max_score = 0.878416 [
0 “While you were out pet care”: 0.878416
=> nil
irb(main):007:0> puts i.search(‘dog’)
TopDocs: total_hits = 2, max_score = 0.500000 [
1 “Eastside dog walker”: 0.500000
2 “Top dawg dog walker”: 0.500000
=> nil
irb(main):008:0> puts i.search(‘dawg’)
TopDocs: total_hits = 1, max_score = 0.702733 [
2 “Top dawg dog walker”: 0.702733
=> nil
irb(main):010:0> puts i.search(‘cat’)
TopDocs: total_hits = 0, max_score = 0.000000 [
=> nil
*** The previous 4 searches gave expected results. Notice that search
for ‘cat’ returned nothing (as it should) ***
*** Let’s add some more strings to the index. They are the same, but
does it matter? ***
irb(main):010:0> [“While you were out pet care”, “Eastside dog walker”,
“Top dawg
g dog walker”].each { |text| i << text }
=> [“While you were out pet care”, “Eastside dog walker”, “Top dawg dog
irb(main):011:0> [“While you were out pet care”, “Eastside dog walker”,
“Top dawg
g dog walker”].each { |text| i << text }
*** Once again, do a search for ‘cat’. ***
puts i.search(‘cat’)
TopDocs: total_hits = 2, max_score = 1.395880 [
2 “Top dawg dog walker”: 1.395880
5 “Top dawg dog walker”: 1.395880
=> nil
*** The last search returned two results for ‘cat’, which is incorrect
It seems I can add any number of items to an index once without a
problem. However, once I add more items to the index, I start getting
incorrect resuts. Can anybody shed some light on the issue? Any help
would be appreciated.