Og CRUD naming of methods

Hi Devs

In [./manager.rb:initialize]
@store_class.allocate.destroy_db(@options) if

and elsewhere there is this:

alias_method :destroy, :drop_table
alias_method :drop_schema, :drop_schema

Despite the typo (in the last alias) it seems there is confusion in
the code about whether a schema is a db or table…

Is it worth articulating following goal for Og to progress to?

To use C.R.U.D stubs to method names. so prepend:
create, read update, delete
to the following

I also think the abundance of aliases might hurt in the longer term -
it’s driving me nuts. Accepting there may be some pain to adopt these
conventions, but won’t it help to have a consistent naming convention
that you don’t have to scramble to the docs to check: 'Is it destroy,
drop, delete, table, tbl, schema, etc?"

my 2c after a frustrating few days :slight_smile:

I more or less agree with consistent naming. But, I am afraid this
will have to wait for a later version.

thanks for this useful post,

On 9/29/07, Mark Van De Vyver [email protected] wrote:

Nitro-general mailing list
[email protected]


On second thoughts, If you have the time to go over the source code
and apply the naming conventions (while making sure that it doesnt
break everything) I could apply the patch in the current version.


On 9/29/07, George M. [email protected] wrote:

@store_class.allocate.destroy_db(@options) if
Is it worth articulating following goal for Og to progress to?
it’s driving me nuts. Accepting there may be some pain to adopt these



Being all in favor of consistent naming could I still say : be careful
with this? This is no breaking news but it’s surprising how easy one
overlooks something when renaming a method. And since the test suite is
all but complete…

Ok, please carry on.


George M. schreef:

Arne B. schreef:

Being all in favor of consistent naming could I still say : be careful
with this? This is no breaking news but it’s surprising how easy one
overlooks something when renaming a method. And since the test suite
is all but complete…
I mean : far from complete…


good points on making a single naming schema for whole Og.

While I do think that is generally a good idea, I propose on doing
what was originally the plan for the next release:

  • Get test suite running

I’m starting to sound like a broken recording, sorry. :confused:


On 9/30/07, Jonathan B. [email protected] wrote:


good points on making a single naming schema for whole Og.

While I do think that is generally a good idea, I propose on doing
what was originally the plan for the next release:

  • Get test suite running

I had in mind more of an ongoing goal.
And yes, this is easier done with confidence once the specs are
At the moment I’m holding back DBI adapter commits until a large chunk
of functionality is done/settled will then send patches.

Do we invoke a rule at some point that patches only accepted with an
accompanying doc and some spec/test? If we do this then there should
be more detail on the dev. page about any style choices.
