Hi Devs,
Attached is the ‘darcs record; darcs send’ of my current copy of the
It contains the prototype/proof-of-concept of a DBI adapter and Sequel
functionality. Fro further info see some of the specs and docs
- the Sequel/Og::Model specs have proved tricky to get running all at
once and I’m not yet sure what is going on there.
Better minds might be able to work this out.
Be aware this is in the spirit of ‘release-early’. Some changes are
at Og’s lower levels, e.g. #execute.
At the moment all you should expect is that ‘rake test:og’ should
show some passing specs
In case you wonder ‘Why Sequel?’, or ‘Doesn’t Og already do xyz?’, the
- Sequel was documented, and I figured it’d be quicker to try spot
weld Sequel onto Og than try to ‘internalize’ Og’s code.
- Sequel is actively developed, so by keeping as much of the Sequel
code-structure I could hopefully tap into the rich vein of code/ideas
in that project.
- Sequel seemed to offer a natural fit (DataMapper functionality
might be able to be incorporated?)
Where to?
Well I’m not sure… there is no Og issue tracker or wiki so whether,
or how anything can be discussed/incorporated into Og remains to be
Hopefully an active and vibrant Og community will spring up shortly.
Please let me know if I’ve mangled anything in the attached.
On Dec 2, 2007 8:13 PM, Mark Van De Vyver [email protected] wrote:
Hi Devs,
Attached is the ‘darcs record; darcs send’ of my current copy of the repo.
It contains the prototype/proof-of-concept of a DBI adapter and Sequel
functionality. Fro further info see some of the specs and docs
- the Sequel/Og::Model specs have proved tricky to get running all at
once and I’m not yet sure what is going on there.
Better minds might be able to work this out.
I’m responding in half-ignorance. Sequel looks like a close cousin of
EZ::Caboose stuff that was absorbed into Og well before my tenure.
you comment on the differences or similarities between the two?
To be honest I was completely oblivoious to EZ::Caboose - I’d seen the
source file but it set me thinking along the lines of ‘laid back North
American wildlife’.
Seriously, I have no idea. I discovered from the post responding to
Trans ‘heads-up’ about a neat Query implementation that EZ::Caboose
does the same thing.
I’ll look into it when I have some spare time
It will be much easier for some one who knows EZ::Caboose to look at
the Sequel cheat-sheet/documentation:
and pickout any highlights?
On Dec 2, 11:13 pm, “Mark Van De Vyver” [email protected] wrote:
at Og’s lower levels, e.g. #execute.
might be able to be incorporated?)
Where to?
Well I’m not sure… there is no Og issue tracker or wiki so whether,
or how anything can be discussed/incorporated into Og remains to be
Hopefully an active and vibrant Og community will spring up shortly.
Please let me know if I’ve mangled anything in the attached.
Does Sequel have to be installed?
Apologies for the delay - been away this last week…
On Dec 7, 2007 2:06 AM, Trans [email protected] wrote:
once and I’m not yet sure what is going on there.
- Sequel is actively developed, so by keeping as much of the Sequel
Please let me know if I’ve mangled anything in the attached.
Does Sequel have to be installed?
No, everything required should be under adpater/dbi