On selecting the country, state dropdown gets refreshed

Hello Every one
I have a small doubt . How On selecting the country, state dropdown
gets refreshed . for Ex i selected india . i got all states of india in
drop down list.

On 30 September 2012 13:23, BalaRaju V. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

Hello Every one
I have a small doubt . How On selecting the country, state dropdown
gets refreshed . for Ex i selected india . i got all states of india in drop
down list.

You will have to use javascript to do this, or update the list using
an ajax call.


Hey Thank you for response… i am fresher can you describe little bit
or can you send any links…

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Colin L. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

కొంచం తపన,
కాస్త ఆసక్తి,
కొన్ని కలలు,
కాసిన్ని ఊహలు కలిపేస్తే
bala raju

On 30 September 2012 13:34, BalaRaju V. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

Hey Thank you for response… i am fresher can you describe little bit more
or can you send any links…

Look for tutorials on javascript and after you have mastered those it
is probably a good idea to move to jQuery. For using ajax then google
for rails ajax and you will find many examples.

As a beginner I suggest you work right through some good rails
tutorials such as railstutorial.org (which is free to use online).
This will introduce you to the basics or rails, including ajax. Make
sure that any tutorial you use is for rails 3 and that you have the
correct version of rails installed.


Alexandre Mondaini Calvão

Nossa recompensa se encontra no esforço e não no resultado. Um esforço
total é uma vitória completa
.” [Ghandi]

2012/9/30 Colin L. removed_email_address@domain.invalid