Only allow traffic from specific servers

I will be setting up two servers on a hosted platform. I plan to use
as a front-end proxy for APACHE. Let’s call the two servers App Server 1
App Server 2. I also have a server on another hosting platform and that
my home page. Let’s call that OUTSIDE Server. App Server 1 and App
Server 2
will house the application. When the user clicks on the sign in button
the OUTSIDE Server, the user will be redirected to App Server 1. Basic
round-robin load balancing through NGINX on App Server 1 will assign the
user to sign in on either that server (App Server 1) or on App Server 2.

(1) I want to only allow App Server 1 to accept traffic coming from
OUTSIDE Server or App Server 2. Even if the user had bookmarked App
1, they will need to go back thru OUTSIDE Server to sign in. How do I
this with NGINX?
(2) Very similar issue with App Server 2, except that it can only have
traffic coming from App Server 1. How do I do this with NGINX?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 05:55:47AM -0500, mottwsc wrote:

Hi there,

When the user clicks on the sign in button on
the OUTSIDE Server, the user will be redirected to App Server 1.

(1) I want to only allow App Server 1 to accept traffic coming from either
OUTSIDE Server or App Server 2. Even if the user had bookmarked App Server
1, they will need to go back thru OUTSIDE Server to sign in. How do I do
this with NGINX?

If you use nginx to redirect to the app servers, what you seem to want
can’t be done.

If you use nginx to proxy_pass to the app servers, what you seem to want
can be done. But doing it is unrelated to nginx. Look at the
of the app servers and/or the network devices protecting them.


Francis D. [email protected]