I picked up another laptop, installed OpenBSD 5.2 (the latest for
another month or so), and set about installing Gnuradio 3.6.3. My
disabled component list is down to:
– * gr-comedi
– * gr-uhd
– * gr-shd
– * gr-fcd
which I think is all hardware I don’t have. It compiles and installs,
but nothing works quite right. I tried multimode, gqrx, other
published things and they don’t work for me. I’m not sure if
jackaudio will work but at least it’s stopped whining.
Finally I tried make test. 3 out of 4 times it hangs (over an hour) at
Start 22: qa_hier_block2 but one time it got past that and failed 30
of the 179 tests. After reading old postings here I ran volk_profile
then make test again but it still hangs at 22: qa_hier_block2
Then I did ctest -V -R volk and the output is attached. The ctest
The following tests FAILED:
1 - qa_volk_test_all (Failed)
5 - gr-core-test-all (Failed)
6 - qa_int_to_float (Failed)
21 - qa_filter_delay_fc (Failed)
22 - qa_hier_block2 (Failed)
24 - qa_short_to_char (Failed)
26 - qa_endian_swap (Failed)
38 - qa_float_to_short (Failed)
44 - qa_conjugate (Failed)
47 - qa_short_to_float (Failed)
49 - qa_multiply_conjugate (Failed)
59 - qa_add_v_and_friends (Failed)
65 - qa_complex_to_xxx (Failed)
67 - qa_add_and_friends (Failed)
72 - qa_float_to_char (Failed)
82 - qa_hilbert (Failed)
84 - qa_pfb_arb_resampler (Failed)
85 - qa_filter_delay_fc (Failed)
86 - qa_rational_resampler (Failed)
87 - qa_fir_filter (Failed)
91 - qa_interp_fir_filter (Failed)
98 - qa_fractional_interpolator (Failed)
119 - qa_ctcss_squelch (Failed)
128 - qa_constellation (Failed)
150 - qa_cpm (Failed)
171 - qa_conjugate (Failed)
173 - qa_multiply_conjugate (Failed)
175 - qa_add_mult_v (Failed)
176 - qa_add_mult_div_sub (Failed)
179 - qa_type_conversions (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
gmake: *** [test] Error 8
So I’m not sure what to try next. I’ve been doing other things for
the past couple of months but now I’m back to this. This version of
OpenBSD has (supposedly) improvements in pthreads. All of gnuradio’s
dependencies except lxml and pyqwt are from the OpenBSD ports
collection. The version numbers are OK by the
build_guide.html file.
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Alan C. [email protected] wrote:
jackaudio will work but at least it’s stopped whining.
Yes, you don’t need to worry about the above components. If your
ultimate goal is to show how to build everything in OpenBSD, then
you’ll need to install the extra libraries for that, but not for your
current purposes.
Finally I tried make test. 3 out of 4 times it hangs (over an hour) at
Start 22: qa_hier_block2 but one time it got past that and failed 30
of the 179 tests. After reading old postings here I ran volk_profile
then make test again but it still hangs at 22: qa_hier_block2
That stall should never happen. If it takes more than 10 seconds for
any QA test to complete, you’re in trouble. You can at least remove
that from the list of tests while working on the other problems by
using the -E flag. It’s like the -R, except that it runs everything
/except/ the tests you specify.
44 - qa_conjugate (Failed)
87 - qa_fir_filter (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
gmake: *** [test] Error 8
So I’m not sure what to try next. I’ve been doing other things for
the past couple of months but now I’m back to this. This version of
OpenBSD has (supposedly) improvements in pthreads. All of gnuradio’s
dependencies except lxml and pyqwt are from the OpenBSD ports
collection. The version numbers are OK by the
build_guide.html file.
The volk failures look like mostly just rounding and/or scaling
issues. I wonder if that’s what’s affecting your other QA failures.
Can you send the verbose output of a couple of these tests, like the
fir_filter and multiply_conjugate?
I’m only trying to test my installation because I’m trying to learn to
use it and nothing works, so I needed to figure out if it’s me doing
something wrong or something’s broken. I think it’s broken.
Here are fir_filter and multiply_conjugate I think as attachments.
Multiply_conjugate segfaults. Running the full set of tests still
hangs after this:
16/73 Test #16: qa_filter_delay_fc … Passed 0.86 sec
test 17
Start 17: qa_hier_block2
17: Test command: /bin/sh
17: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
Ok, well the fir_filt02.txt only shows the interp_filter QA test that
passed, not the fir_filter test that I was hoping to see
I never said I knew what I was doing. I think it’s included this
time. I did run
qa_fir_filter_test.sh by itself and the output was just “Segmentation
I had run volk_profile before and I ran it again. cmp shows the
volk_config file didn’t change (attached).
To run the qa tests I did:
ctest -V --output-on-failure >& ctests.out.txt
and I got 14 failures, I think all of them segfaults. ctests_out.txt
is attached.
Also attached is the stdout and stderr capture from running
I don’t know how to track these down more, but this doesn’t give line
numbers like errors in C. I don’t know if turning on a debug build in
the cmake cache will give more details or not. Hopefully these
failures have a common cause.
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Alan C. [email protected]
Start 17: qa_hier_block2
17: Test command: /bin/sh
17: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
Ok, well the fir_filt02.txt only shows the interp_filter QA test that
passed, not the fir_filter test that I was hoping to see.
The multiply conjugate test fails with a seg fault, so that’s telling.
Can you run volk_profile on your system? It takes a while to run
(could be 15 - 20 minutes). But see if it completes and then what the
QA tests say.
This looks like it’s a VOLK issue where we’re not getting the right
info on OpenBSD.