Operator Names

What is this ‘=>’ operator called?

Does it have a name?

On May 9, 2008, at 6:28 PM, Matthew C. wrote:

What is this ‘=>’ operator called?

Does it have a name?

From my Perl days, I learned to pronounce this “is” although I don’t
know if it has a true name.
(Try it next time you’re reading code with a hash.)


Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]

I believe it’s called a “hashrocket.” At least that’s what the guys
and gals at http://www.hashrocket.com/ would have me believe.


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Matthew C.
[email protected] wrote:

What is this ‘=>’ operator called?

Does it have a name?


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I read it as “points to”

Ryan B.

Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.

Thanks everyone. I think I am going to go with hashrocket… :slight_smile: I just
like that…

On May 10, 8:11 pm, “Ryan B. (Radar)” [email protected]

Matthew C. wrote:

What is this ‘=>’ operator called?

Does it have a name?

I always read it as “goes to”,

but in the Rubinius core, they define the following stuff…


[:TkLSHFT,      TkOp,   "<<"],
[:TkRSHFT,      TkOp,   ">>"],
[:TkCOLON2,     TkOp],
[:TkCOLON3,     TkOp],

[:OPASGN, TkOp], # +=, -= etc.

[:TkASSOC,      TkOp,   "=>"],
[:TkQUESTION,   TkOp,   "?"],   #?
[:TkCOLON,      TkOp,   ":"],        #:


On 5/12/08, Matthew C. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks everyone. I think I am going to go with hashrocket… :slight_smile: I just
like that…

One of my Ruby books describes it as “the sequence of characters” in
the context of a Hash explanation.


Greg D.