I’m trying to achieve the following results.
This allows you to do things like
puts “Cat’‘’”.safe_quote
=> “‘cat’,‘dog’,3,NULL,‘’,NULL”
=> " AND animal in (‘cat’,‘dog’,3,NULL,‘’,NULL) "
=> “‘c\\at’”
Mymodel.find_by_sql(“select * from mytables where (1 = 1 #{[20603,78881,20321].values_in(‘ext’)})”)
=> select * from mytables where (1 = 1 and ext in (20603,7881,20321) )
Mymodel.find_by_sql(“select * from mytables where (1 = 1 #{[].values_in(‘ext’)})”)
=> select * from mytables where (1 = 1)
This would let me chain a ton of optional parameters directly into the
SQL query itself.
The following code is what I came up with.
I was wondering if this was sane way to do this, or if there is a
better way that I’m missing?
Parked at Loopia
module SafeJoin
#Use Array.join with ActiveRecord sanitize_sql
include QuoteSafe
def sql_join(delimit=‘,’)
self.collect {|aa| “#{safe_quote(aa)}”}.collect{|x|
Return field in (x,y,z), or nothing.
Allows for easy insertion of optional fields in a SQL string.
def values_in(field)
records = self.sql_join
return ‘’ if records.blank?
" AND #{field} in (#{records}) "
class String
include QuoteSafe
class Array
include SafeJoin