I would like to override the destroy method of my AR objects with
something like this:
module Restorable
alias_method :really_destroy, :destroy
def destroy
self.destroyed = Date.today
def restore
self.destroyed = nil
Problem is that Restorable doesn’t have a destroy method to
alias_method. Is there a way to get this sort of functionality? I
would like to avoid adding a new method (like delete) to save
confusion and so I don’t have to go back and change my controllers.
Problem is that Restorable doesn’t have a destroy method to
alias_method. Is there a way to get this sort of functionality?
everytime a module is included as a mix-in, the method “included” of the
module is called, and the class including the module is passed as a
parameter, so you can practice any kind of ruby dynamic black magic over
the original class, in your case an AR object. I’m pasting a small
template you can use for yor mix-in
def self.included(parent_class)
class << parent_class #everything you do here will be evaluated on the parent class
content, so any method aliasing and/or overwriting should be done here
javier ramirez
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