Overriding .blank? method


Does anyone know a way to override .blank? method that rails provides.
I want to add additional custom checks (specific to my application) to
this method.


Does anyone know a way to override .blank? method that rails provides.
I want to add additional custom checks (specific to my application) to
this method.

I’d tread very carefully here. I know I use .blank? all over the
place. I imagine Rails and lots of plugins do as well. You may well
be changing behavior in libraries you’re not aware of…

I’d suggest if at all possible to create your own .my_blank? method
(with a better name of course) and use that where appropriate.

Otherwise… search the rails source for “def blank?” and then simply
override it by monkey patching it.

Hi Philip,
I am reasonably new to rails, i’ve fallen in love with it :).
Reading your response, though I understand what your saying but I don’t
enough knowledge on how one can do something like that, could you be
generous enough to share some resource links or something where I could
something about it?

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva S…


  • “I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue that I shall some
    die, which is not so.”

Oh I am sorry for that, my mistake!!I wanted some info regarding monkey

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva S…

Ogden Nash http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/o/ogden_nash.html

“The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up, it’s always a cat.”

2009/8/25 Dhruva S. [email protected]:

Hi Philip,
I am reasonably new to rails, i’ve fallen in love with it :).
Reading your response, though I understand what your saying but I don’t have
enough knowledge on how one can do something like that,

Since you top posted your comment it is unclear which ‘something like
that’ you are referring to. Is it creating a method my_blank? or
monkey patching that you want help with?


:-|, yea I did that anyways, did go through some stuff, will go through
more at night when I have more free time.Just wanted to get some good
references or leads which others have already used perhaps …

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva S…

Charles de

  • “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.”

2009/8/25 Dhruva S. [email protected]:

:-|, yea I did that anyways, did go through some stuff, will go through some
more at night when I have more free time.
Just wanted to get some good references or leads which others have already
used perhaps …
Thanks & Regards,

Apologies, you would be surprised how many don’t do their own research


2009/8/25 Dhruva S. [email protected]:

Oh I am sorry for that, my mistake!!
I wanted some info regarding monkey patching…
Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva S…

Google for ‘how to monkey patch rails’, it throws up lots of useful
links, though no doubt some are more useful than others.


If you just want to add checks for a single model, you can override
blank? on the model. Just declare it like any other method.

–Matt J.