I want to create layout components that function like my layout does.
layout can yield the body content, is there any way to get this
functionality in rhtml templates? For example, say I have a layout
component that has a title bar and a content area. If it is a box with
rounded corners I do not want to repeat this html everywhere, so I’ll
make a
helper. Here is what I have to do now:
<%= start_mini_window(“Log in!”) %>
log in form html here
<%= end_mini_window %>
Is it possible to do this?
<% mini_window(“Log in!”) do %>
log in form html here
<% end %>
This feels cleaner to me, but I was unable to get it working. I stopped
trying to get this working when I realized that render() only uses your
block when creating a javascriptgenerator.
I looked at form_for because it is a good example of the benefits to
blocks in templates. The code didn’t tell me a whole lot unfortunately.
What I really want to do is take the proc block contents and yield it
into a
string, then pass that string to a partial template. I didn’t see
doing that, but maybe I missed something.
If I can yield the proc block contents into a string, that lets me
pass parameters to the block and derive benefits like form_for does.
anyone explain how/if this is possible, and how it would work with