PCI Hosting

It looks like I will have to be level 4 PCI DSS compliant for my current

As I will be needing a hosting server anyhow, does anyone know of any
hosting option that is PCI compliant.

Does PCI compliant hosting exist?

Ohh and one in UK would be even better :slight_smile:


We’ve had other client’s inquire on this and during our last check,
we met all the server side requirements to be PCI compliant on our
dedicated server platform.

I’m happy to discuss specifics with you off list.


Jesse P.
Blue Box Group, LLC

p. +1.800.613.4305 x801
e. [email protected]

GSI was the first Managed Hosting provider to be CISP or PCI certified
and has maintained CISP/PCI-DSS for the past 3 years. We also maintain
SAS70-Type II for our services/facilities as well. We can offer a wide
range of managed service that all support your efforts to obtain and
maintain PCI compliance.

Talk to Terry at [email protected] (816-222-1261) if you are
interested in pursuing a solution.


Bob wrote:

It looks like I will have to be level 4 PCI DSS compliant for my current

As I will be needing a hosting server anyhow, does anyone know of any
hosting option that is PCI compliant.

Does PCI compliant hosting exist?

Ohh and one in UK would be even better :slight_smile:
