Pdf writer font not found

I cannot figure out how to get a font loaded. I have in c:\windows/
fonts a font file named w128m.ttf. It displays as “WASP 128
M(TrueType)”. I haven’t been able to code the select_font method to
load the font. PDF::Writer::FONT_PATH displays as c:\windows/fonts.
Attempted coding statements have been:

pdf.select_font(“WASP 128 M”)
pdf.select_font(“WASP 128 M(TrueType)”)

Your assistance is appreciated.

On 2/2/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

I cannot figure out how to get a font loaded. I have in c:\windows/
fonts a font file named w128m.ttf. It displays as “WASP 128
M(TrueType)”. I haven’t been able to code the select_font method to
load the font. PDF::Writer::FONT_PATH displays as c:\windows/fonts.
Attempted coding statements have been:

pdf.select_font(“WASP 128 M”)
pdf.select_font(“WASP 128 M(TrueType)”)

There are issues with TrueType fonts at this point. Even if those
issues did not exist, PDF::Writer cannot yet obtain the font metrics
from the font file itself and must have an Adobe Font Metrics file
generated for it (usually associated with Type1 fonts).
