Persistence Checkbox of WX GUI Scope Plot

Dear Sir,

It is found that in newer version of gnuradio, the WX GUI Scope Sink
doesn’t have a “Persistence” checkbox.
In this case how to get back the feature …?

As Tom said,

we haven’t changed the WX widgets recently.

Out of curiosity, what do you want that feature on a scope sink for?
Are you plotting eye diagrams?


Previously I installed gnuradio using build-gnuradio, but recently I
install gnuradio using pybombs.
This Thursday I will go to office to check whether python-opengl has
installed by pybombs.

Sometime I use WX GUI Scope Sink to get constellation plot, and turn on
“Persistence” to observe the “rotation” due to frequency offset.

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Martin B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

Thanks, the problem is solved after manually installing python-opengl.
The “Persistence” checkbox is back to normal, and works correctly.