Phone Numbers in Rails/MySQL

Is there any easy way to make a fancy looking form to take phone
numbers. Something that looks like this:

[ ] - [ ] - [ ] ext: [ ]

Then when you submit it it’s combined into one string in the database.

Optimally it would auto-switch from field-to-field after you fill each

Has anyone seen anything like this in Rails?



On 4/20/06, Adam B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Is there any easy way to make a fancy looking form to take phone
numbers. Something that looks like this:

[ ] - [ ] - [ ] ext: [ ]

Then when you submit it it’s combined into one string in the database.

Optimally it would auto-switch from field-to-field after you fill each

The better way of doing this is to have a single flat field in your
then before it gets saved to the database, you strip the punctuation out
the number and verifies the required number of digits(for a single
site). Then, when you pull the number out of the db, you can add the
punctuation that you want.

No, I don’t know how to do the code for this atm, but that is the

Has anyone seen anything like this in Rails?

to me, it has nothing to do with the rails

you should create a javascript that observes fields, does not allow
apart from number, jumps from one field to another and, upon submissing,
concatenates all number and save it into hidden field. This field then
be easily read by rails as regular param

Greetings Adam.

The multiple field solution can be painful for data entry, so I opt’d
for 2 fields - phone and extension. The following solution also
doesn’t force your users to format phone numbers in any special
manner. The normalization of the phones will also permit nice output
(for internalization) if required.

note this solution works for north american phone numbers (7 and 10
digit phone numbers).

The phone number is stored as a mysql bigint (which really speeds up

Then in your model,

To validate,

def validate
if errors.on(“phone”).nil?
validate_phone = self.phone_before_type_cast.gsub!(/[^0-9]/,"")
if !validate_phone.nil? and validate_phone.length != 7 and
validate_phone.length != 10
errors.add(“phone”, “number is not correct. Either a 7 or
10 digit phone # must be specified.”)

…and then these two methods will format the data after you retrieve
(after_find), and then strip away all non numerics (’(’, ‘)’, ‘-’,
etc) before saving.

def after_find = “#{self.phone_before_type_cast[0…2]}-#
{self.phone_before_type_cast[3…6]}” if ! and
self.phone_before_type_cast.length == 7 = “(#{self.phone_before_type_cast[0…2]}) #
[6…9]}” if ! and self.phone_before_type_cast.length
== 10

def before_save
self.phone_before_type_cast.gsub!(/[^0-9]/,"") if !

hope this helps out. This technique can really help get clean data
into your model, without javascript complexities, and simplifies the
data entry, and normalizes the data such that outputting is simpler.


Thanks Jodi, that helps a lot.


The better way of doing this is to have a single flat field in your
then before it gets saved to the database, you strip the punctuation out
the number and verifies the required number of digits(for a single
site). Then, when you pull the number out of the db, you can add the
punctuation that you want.

No, I don’t know how to do the code for this atm, but that is the

Has anyone seen anything like this in Rails?

Well, that would be a better way to do it for the programmer, but not
for the user. As a user it’s much more convenient to not have to wonder
whether you need to type "-"s or puts parens around the area code.

If we had to deal with international numbers you’re definitely right,
but this is purely a localized website.


Rails Enthusiasts,

On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 06:34:03AM +0200, Adam B. wrote:

Well, that would be a better way to do it for the programmer, but not
for the user. As a user it’s much more convenient to not have to wonder
whether you need to type "-"s or puts parens around the area code.

Well, to make it easy for both the programmer and the user how about
input fields? A while back I asked if Rails included such
After getting no responses at all I searched the net for some JavaScript
functions that did what I was after. I include those scripts in my
layout and added a couple of two line helper functions to my
helpers/application_helper.rb file and now masked input is as simple as:

<%= masked_text_field ‘user’, ‘phone’, ‘(###)###-####’ %>


<%= masked_auto_tab_text_field ‘user’, ‘phone’, ‘(###)###-####’ %>

The second variety jumps to the next field after the last digit of the
number is entered. As the user types the phone number the punctuation
filled in automatically. Actually, I prefer using similar masked fields
date and time entry instead of select boxes.

For those interested my helper functions look something like:

def masked_text_field(object, method, mask, options = {})
options[“onKeyDown”] = “return dFilter(event.keyCode, this, '” +
mask + “');”
text_field(object, method, options)

def masked_auto_tab_text_field(object, method, mask, options = {})
options[“onKeyUp”] = "return autoTab(this, " +
mask.length.to_s + “, event);”
masked_text_field(object, method, mask, options)

The dFilter and autoTab scripts have a couple of quirks that I’m not
happy with. I’m continuing to search for alternatives. Or, I might
just have
to brush up on my JavaScript and enhance the above scripts. With masked
and auto tab fields being so useful one would think such functionality
would be
included with Rails.

Bruceville, TX


This is probably a dumb question, but how do I get the dFilter and
autoTab scripts installed to use?



Nevermind. That was a really dumb question. :slight_smile:

However, it’s not currently working. :slight_smile: I get the automatic parens and
dashes, but there’s only one text field, and it tabs to the next field
(e-mail address) when I’ve typed 10 numbers.

Thanks Kevin! I realized right before I had to leave that it wasn’t
supposed to work the way I thought it did. :slight_smile:


This is fantastic. You should submit this to so
that it
would be included in Rails. Seriously, this is great stuff.



On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:40:00PM +0200, Adam B. wrote:

Nevermind. That was a really dumb question. :slight_smile:

Actually I’ve often heard that the only dumb questions are the ones not
asked. I neglected to post links to the scripts because, as I said,
have a few quirks that I’m not completely happy with. In fact, I’ve
had to apply a couple of patches that I found in a JavaScript forum to
dFilter script. With the original script when one enters numbers via
numeric keypad they show up as letters instead of numbers. The first
corrects that problem. The other patch keeps the mask characters from
showing up until one types past the spot where the mask characters
be. I’m not completely happy with that patch. I think the mask
should be showing up one keystroke sooner than they are. If you would
to try the script with the patches I mentioned above applied you can get
patched version at:

I put both the dFilter and autoTab scripts in the archive, although I
made any changes to the autoTab script.

However, it’s not currently working. :slight_smile:

Are you sure?

I get the automatic parens and dashes, but there’s only one text field,
and it tabs to the next field (e-mail address) when I’ve typed 10 numbers.

It sounds like it’s working to me. That’s exactly what it’s supposed to
The masked input script doesn’t create separate entry fields for the
parts of a phone number, date, etc. All parts of the phone number,
date, etc.,
are entered into one field and the script fills in the mask characters
in the
appropriate spots. For example, for a date entry field one could use:

<%= masked_auto_tab_text_field ‘event’, ‘start_date’, ‘##/##/####’ %>

That would create one field. A user could enter:


and it would appear in the field as:


The user didn’t have to type the slashes, only the numbers.

If you want to have separate fields you could use the autoTab script by
itself. Perhaps a helper similar to:

def auto_tab_text_field(object, method, length, options = {})
options[“onKeyUp”] = "return autoTab(this, " +
length.to_s + “, event);”
options[“size”] = length.to_s
text_field(object, method, options)

then in your template(using a phone number as an example):

Phone Number: (<%= auto_tab_text_field ‘phone’, ‘area_code’, 3 -%>
)<%= auto_tab_text_field ‘phone’, ‘exchange’, 3 -%>
-<%= auto_tab_text_field ‘phone’, ‘number’, 4 %>

might achieve what you’re looking for. Of course, as others have said,
would then have to piece the phone number together from the three form
fields. Personally I prefer using a single field. That’s one of the
I’m really beginning to appreciate about Rails. It’s so easy to add
helpers and make forms work just the way I want them to work, while
my templates neat and tidy.

Bruceville, TX