I’m working on integrating tiny_mce with rails, which has been very
successful so far. I want to use the imagemanger and filemanager
plugins for image uploads directly through the editor toolbar, which are
php scripts. My first attempt was to modify the .htaccess to prevent
apache from routing the requests to rails.
Here’s what i’ve got in my htaccess:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/javascripts/tiny_mce.*
RewriteRule .* - [L]
The scripts live in public/javascripts/tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager and
/filemanager, so I thought handling the entire tiny_mce and all children
would take care of it, but it’s only returning a 404.
Is there a way to get this to work within my rails app?
Since you are using .htaccess I’m guessing Apache is used as webserver.
You can just put the PHP scripts in a directory outside Rails. Just
put it were your apache HTML files would normally be. Like
Then inside your virtualhost definition you can write:
Alias /tiny_mce /var/www/tiny_mce
Apache should run normally under /tiny_mce and you should be able to
access it like myserver.com/tiny_mce
On 6/9/06, Greg N. [email protected] wrote:
Rails mailing list
[email protected]
Yes, i’m using apache with fastcgi. For my mint installation, i used
the same code in my htaccess, but the mint directory is within my
I will give it a try and see if it’s going to work.
Jón Borgþórsson wrote:
Since you are using .htaccess I’m guessing Apache is used as webserver.
You can just put the PHP scripts in a directory outside Rails. Just
put it were your apache HTML files would normally be. Like
Then inside your virtualhost definition you can write:
Alias /tiny_mce /var/www/tiny_mce
Apache should run normally under /tiny_mce and you should be able to
access it like myserver.com/tiny_mce
On 6/9/06, Greg N. [email protected] wrote:
Rails mailing list
[email protected]