Pik 0.2.2 Released

pik version 0.2.2 has been released!

Pik is a tool to switch between multiple versions of ruby on Windows.

Or to put it another way

doskey rvm=pik $* # (sort of)

You have to tell it where your different ruby versions live using
‘pik add’. Then you can change to one by using ‘pik switch’.

It also supports running commands/code with all versions configured.

pik run # Runs commands on the command line
pik ruby # Runs using the ruby interpreter for each version
(ruby.exe, jruby.bat, ir.exe)
pik gem # Runs using the gem command for each version (gem.bat,


0.2.2 / 2009-10-20

  • Pik::Command#get_version now handles paths with spaces. Thanks to
    Dominic S. and Vassilis R.
  • All Cucumber scenarios are run against ‘C:\temp\path with spaces’
    instead of ‘C:\temp’