pluralize(0, ‘people’) = 0 peoples
Just thought I’d let you guys know. I’m new here so I don’t know if
this is in the right section, but ya.
pluralize(0, ‘people’) = 0 peoples
Just thought I’d let you guys know. I’m new here so I don’t know if
this is in the right section, but ya.
That’s because ‘people’ is already plural. From the api:
pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil)
Try this:
pluralize(0, ‘person’)
Well, people can be singular or plural. It can be the plural of person
or it
can describe a single group. The most famous example of this is in
Luther King’s famous speech:
“…But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to
Promised Land.”
Rails gets it right in either case. Clever rails.
P.S. Also try this:
Nathan :
Well, people can be singular or plural. It can be the plural of person
or it can describe a single group. The most famous example of this
is in Martin Luther King’s famous speech:
“…But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the
Promised Land.”Rails gets it right in either case. Clever rails.
Is Rails the Promised Land ?
– Jean-François.
À la renverse.
Phlip wrote:
Shouldn’t it be:
Rails are the Promised Lands
Try using pluralize(0, ‘person’). Pluralize expects the singular as
the argument, not the plural.
Jean-François wrote:
Is Rails the Promised Land ?
Rails are the Promised Land…
(Now try to write a paper about it with a grammar checker, folks!)
Phlip ← NOT a blog!!
0 peoples is actually correct plural for people, as in nation or
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