Running Rails 1.1.6.
This is what’s being passed to rails through a GET request:
Parameters: {“month”=>“10”, “title”=>“Jurassic 5 The Compositive
Two”, “action”=>“index”, “controller”=>“events”, “day”=>“8”,
It should read:
Parameters: {“month”=>“10”, “title”=>“Jurassic 5 + The Compositive
Two”, “action”=>“index”, “controller”=>“events”, “day”=>“8”,
The link itself reads:
The title is passed off to a search query, which effectively returns
0 records, as it’s missing the + sign, the query reads “SELECT * FROM
events WHERE title=‘Jurassic 5 The Compositive Two’ …”
Is this a bug in rails? I’ve searched trac, but didn’t find anyone
with a similar problem.
Best regards
Peter De Berdt