Post and redirect from a controller


I am trying to do something similar to a thread,
but a little different.

Using Paypal (website payments standard), I’m trying to do the
following in my checkout action:

-transfer session data (the shoppers cart) into the database
-redirect the user to the paypal site.

My problem is the standard paypal example for this uses a form post:

<%= hidden_field_tag "cmd", "_cart" %> .... <%= submit_tag "Buy with PayPal", :class => "submit" %> <% end_form_tag %>

Is there a way I can redirect a user along with a post? (I’ve looked
at the Net::HTTP stuff, but it appears that just sends the post
request and doesn’t forward the user with it)

I’m kinda a noob, so is there a better design that I’m missing? Any
help would be great appreciated.

tomh wrote:

Is there a way I can redirect a user along with a post? (I’ve looked
at the Net::HTTP stuff, but it appears that just sends the post
request and doesn’t forward the user with it)

Did you get an answer? I wonder the same thing.