Tonight will mark the first of a two night hackfest on Prawn[0], the
fast, nimble PDF generator for Ruby.
== Who should come?
Anyone with an interest in Ruby PDF generation, or an interest in
helping out with a cool open source project.
== What’s going on?
We will focus on bug fixes tonight and experimental ideas and features
tomorrow, but those who’d like to come and hack on their own Prawn
based projects or ask questions are most welcome. Those who are not
at the conference but wish to participate remotely are also welcome to
do so.
I’ve set up a milestone for things that are open for work[1], but if
you have other ideas you can let me know. These defects range from
“just need to prepare an existing patch for submission” to “extremely
hard and confusing”, so newbies and wizards alike are welcome.
== When / Where will it happen?
– Making Introductions
We’ll likely be working hard later on in the night, but those who
would like to make introductions and talk over the details before
diving in are welcome to head to dinner with my girlfriend and I,
directly after Guy’s appreciation event. We will hang around the
lobby for about 15 minutes right outside the conference hall,
afterwards we’ll head to a restaurant either on site or within walking
distance. If you miss us, you can give me a call, look on Pathable
for my cell # in the Prawn thread.
– Getting down to work.
I’ll stay at the lightning talks until 8:30 or a little after, then
head out in search for a place to settle down, somewhere at the hotel.
Either look around for me, give me a call, or email me.
If I get a small group together by 9 or 9:15, I’ll do a brief
introduction to Prawn and our contribution process. Otherwise, for
those who come later, I’m happy to bring you up to speed when you
catch up with us.
— If you plan on working from home:
Please find me () in #prawn on Freenode any time after 9:30pm
EST. Ping me and I’ll get you up to speed.
We should be around until at least midnight tonight. If you can’t
make it, look for another announcement tomorrow (with a similar
== How to prepare?
The most important thing to do if you plan to help by contributing
code is fork sandal/prawn[2] on Github. If you’re not familiar with
git, help will be available but it’s best to brush up beforehand.
The next most important thing is to send me an email letting me know
your email address so I can add you to lighthouse. So we don’t step
on each other’s toes, we’ll be assigning tickets to the people who are
working on them.
If you just want to ask questions or hack on your own code, you don’t
need to do anything other than show up.
== Questions?
Let me know if you’ve got any questions or comments. Also, keep in
mind that if you can’t make it tonight, we’ll be doing the same thing
with a different theme tomorrow.
[2] GitHub - practicingruby/prawn: THIS REPOSITORY HAS MOVED TO:
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