Continueing with How to synchronize RX with TX? - GNU Radio - Ruby-Forum, and
Appending preamble with different power - GNU Radio - Ruby-Forum
I am trying to append preamble to a signal so that RX can recognize it
see a start position of data exactly.
I roughly draw what I thought.
[image: desired_signal.jpg]
I learned that there is gr_simple_framer and gr_simple_correlator in
I guess that gr_simple_framer appends sync field and other files, and
gr_simple_correlator removes additional fields by gr_simple_framer
To verify this guess, I make a flow graph and run it.
[image: framer_correlator_test.png]
As a flow graph runs, file size of framer_sink goes large, but that of
correlator_sink remains 0 forever.
I have tried to figure out how I can use these blocks from doxygen (
GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference: Main Page)
But I cannot figure out it easily.
Does anyone know what value should be in Payload Byte Size for framer
and where I can find some examples of these two blocks?