Precondition Failed

I see this has been posted about before:

But I wanted to give this url on Textdrive:

And show how a seemingly simple line will trigger it:

body {
background: url(“…/images/body_home_bg.gif”) left 97px repeat-x
font-family: “Lucida Grande” “Lucida Sans Unicode” Arial sans-serif;
font-size: x-small;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: relative;

Offending line:
background: url(“…/images/body_home_bg.gif”) left 97px repeat-x

When I removed the “…/” (which I needed to do anyway) it cleared up.



You could also ask Textdrive to turn off mod_security and mod_speling
for your domain. One time I had a post that had the words HTTP and FTP
in it and it would break, even though they didn’t start URLs. I haven’t
had any trouble since they did turned those mods off.
