Preview of Textile-filtered articles?

Before my upgrade, I could write an article in Textile and see it
rendered in the automatically generated preview. That no longer
appears to be the case, either with the rich or simple editors. How
do I verify the formatting will be correct before posting with the
Textile filter turned on?


Le 2 août 08 à 15:06, Ben Armstrong a écrit :

Before my upgrade, I could write an article in Textile and see it
rendered in the automatically generated preview. That no longer
appears to be the case, either with the rich or simple editors. How
do I verify the formatting will be correct before posting with the
Textile filter turned on?



first, sorry for not replying faster, I was in holliday and got
internet access only tonight. Trying to answer the pile of mails
that’s waiting for me.

I’ve removed the live preview from 5.1.x for many reasons, mostly :
– uses the default azure stylesheet, which is not real live preview.
– hassles server with constant ajax requests that does constant mysql
queries… made Typo the reputation of being a bloatware for ages.

It will be back as a fully javascript feature later, or something like
this, still need to think about it.


Frédéric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337 Typo :