Hi. I’d like to print out the contents of 2 arrays as follows…
print array1[0] array2[0]
print array1[1] array2[1]
array1 holds names
array2 holds occupation
so an example print out will be…
Joe Bloggs Carpenter
I’m struggling constructing a loop or iteration that prints this out.
The psuedocode is something as follows…
for length of array1
print out contents of array1 and array2
or something similar
Any help is appreciated thanks.
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Paul R. [email protected]
or something similar
Any help is appreciated thanks.
irb(main):001:0> a1 = [“joe blogs”, “peter smith”]
=> [“joe blogs”, “peter smith”]
irb(main):002:0> a2 = [“carpenter”, “policeman”]
=> [“carpenter”, “policeman”]
irb(main):003:0> a1.zip(a2).each {|name, occupation| puts “#{name} is
a #{occupation}”}
joe blogs is a carpenter
peter smith is a policeman
Another way that avoids creating the intermediate array would be to
iterate using the index:
irb(main):004:0> a1.each_with_index {|name, i| puts “#{name} is a
joe blogs is a carpenter
peter smith is a policeman
=> [“joe blogs”, “peter smith”]
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Paul R. [email protected]
Joe Bloggs Carpenter
I’m struggling constructing a loop or iteration that prints this out.
names = %w(joe sam john fred)
occupations = %w(tinker tailor soldier spy)
names.zip(occupations).each {|name, occupation| puts “#{name} is a
Rick DeNatale
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On 02.11.2010 17:36, Rick DeNatale wrote:
so an example print out will be…
names.zip(occupations).each {|name, occupation| puts “#{name} is a
#zip accepts a block, which avoids creating the merged Array:
irb(main):005:0> names.zip(occupations){|name, occupation| puts “#{name}
is a #{occupation}”}
joe is a tinker
sam is a tailor
john is a soldier
fred is a spy
=> nil
Kind regards