I recently upgraded my machine from i386 to amd64 and forgot to dump
my radiant db (in Pg) before. My fault but then I had backups anyway.
My problem is I have now one page (build from its children) is now
incorrectly generated (and cached) for some unknown reason. Main URL
is Photography. It has several children (/1,
/2, …) that gets pulled into one page through this:
<r:children:each by=“slug” order=“asc”>
If you look at the page as it is now, it is truncated
The database entries seems ok and fetching each individual subpage is
fine, only the result.
I also noticed some weirdness on my personal site that runs on amd64…
if I change my password in the UI, logout and try to login again, it
doesn’t work. However, if I change the password from script/console it
takes. No clue why that is… hope your problems aren’t from the same
I also noticed some weirdness on my personal site that runs on amd64… if I
change my password in the UI, logout and try to login again, it doesn’t
work. However, if I change the password from script/console it takes. No
clue why that is… hope your problems aren’t from the same source.
What’s interesting is that only this page gets clobbered. Another I
have built the same way is working fine. I’ve put radiant in debug
mode, I can see SQL requests but the generated page is still wrong.
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Ollivier R. [email protected]
mode, I can see SQL requests but the generated page is still wrong.
It is getting weirder. I’ve recreated all the page hierarchy manually
copy-pasted all the children pages and it worked till I added the last
sub-page page then it went south the same way and mixed up content
from the first and last pages.
I don’t understand.
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