Problem after migration

I recently upgraded my machine from i386 to amd64 and forgot to dump
my radiant db (in Pg) before. My fault but then I had backups anyway.
My problem is I have now one page (build from its children) is now
incorrectly generated (and cached) for some unknown reason. Main URL
is Photography. It has several children (/1,
/2, …) that gets pulled into one page through this:


<r:children:each by=“slug” order=“asc”>


If you look at the page as it is now, it is truncated :frowning:

The database entries seems ok and fetching each individual subpage is
fine, only the result.

Any idea on why and how to fix that?

Turn logging on and check the output of that vs what you expect to
see. That has helped me in the past figure out why something wasn’t
showing up.


I also noticed some weirdness on my personal site that runs on amd64…
if I change my password in the UI, logout and try to login again, it
doesn’t work. However, if I change the password from script/console it
takes. No clue why that is… hope your problems aren’t from the same


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Sean C. [email protected]


I also noticed some weirdness on my personal site that runs on amd64… if I
change my password in the UI, logout and try to login again, it doesn’t
work. However, if I change the password from script/console it takes. No
clue why that is… hope your problems aren’t from the same source.

What’s interesting is that only this page gets clobbered. Another I
have built the same way is working fine. I’ve put radiant in debug
mode, I can see SQL requests but the generated page is still wrong.

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Ollivier R. [email protected]

mode, I can see SQL requests but the generated page is still wrong.

It is getting weirder. I’ve recreated all the page hierarchy manually
copy-pasted all the children pages and it worked till I added the last
sub-page page then it went south the same way and mixed up content
from the first and last pages.

I don’t understand.