You need to pass Proc object to :password_block or use :password
with String.
class Addressbook < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => ‘cn’, :prefix => ‘ou=addressbooks’
In your configuration, you need to set :prefix to ‘’ because you already
specify ‘ou=addressbooks,dc=company,dc=it’ as :base in
establish_connection. Or change :base to ‘dc=company,dc=it’ and keep
:prefix ‘ou=addressbooks’.
You need to pass Proc object to :password_block or use :password
with String.
class Addressbook < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => ‘cn’, :prefix => ‘ou=addressbooks’
In your configuration, you need to set :prefix to ‘’ because you already
specify ‘ou=addressbooks,dc=company,dc=it’ as :base in
establish_connection. Or change :base to ‘dc=company,dc=it’ and keep
:prefix ‘ou=addressbooks’.
I follow your directive and i added this:
pwb = do |user|
ActiveLdap::Command.read_password("[#{user}] Password: ")
…and works like a charm!!!
Thanks a lot!
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