Hi All,
I’m new in RoR, I have a problem in retrieving data in
has_and_belongs_to_many relationship.
I have created 3 tables, Tag, Entry and Entries_Tags .
There are join in has_and_belongs_to_many
I can successfully create new record by this relationship. But I cannot
retrieve the data.
I want to do a task to select all Entries with condition "name = ‘g’ in
Tag table.
I use this code to select all the record with name = ‘g’
@resulttag = Tag.find(:all, :conditions => “name = ‘g’”)
Then I want to select all related Entries record, by this code
@r = @resulttag.entries
But it is not work, @r still storing the same data with @resulttag (The
array storing Tag records, not Entry records)
Can anyone can help or provide a solution to do such task ???
Thanks a lot,
def showresult
@resulttag = Tag.find(:all, :conditions => "name = 'g'")
logger.info("Size = #{@resulttag.size}")
@r = @resulttag.entries
logger.info("RSize = #{@r.size}")
@resulttag.entries.each do |en|
logger.info("RES = #{en.id}")
Size = 8
RSize = 8
e[4;35;1mTag Columns (0.011401)e[0m e[0mSHOW FIELDS FROM tagse[0m
RES = 10
RES = 11
RES = 12
RES = 13
RES = 14
RES = 16
RES = 17
RES = 18