Problem related to Caching in mongrel

My production server has 6 mongrels running. I hosted a CMS (content
management system) on the server. As a admin of the website, I delete
few tabs in the site. But the Public version(for the non-loggedin)
version of the site still shows the deleted tabs at random(some times
they show up and sometimes don’t). I suppose that the cache at some of
the mongrels is not updated properly and that is why I can see the
deleted tabs. Is my supposition correct. Or am I missing something? Can
someone help me out. I am blocked on this right now.

Thanks in Advance,

this is not a mongrel question. ask it on the mailing list of your cms.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Saratchand Kanuri
[email protected] wrote:

My production server has 6 mongrels running. I hosted a CMS (content
management system) on the server. As a admin of the website, I delete
few tabs in the site. But the Public version(for the non-loggedin)
version of the site still shows the deleted tabs at random(some times
they show up and sometimes don’t). I suppose that the cache at some of
the mongrels is not updated properly and that is why I can see the
deleted tabs. Is my supposition correct. Or am I missing something? Can
someone help me out. I am blocked on this right now.

Some questions:

  • What software is your CMS? Radiant? other?
  • What caching strategy is setup in your Rails/CMS application? The
    one by default?

Asking this because Rails MemoryStore, the default caching strategy
only works for a single process. Multiple process requires a shared
memory caching strategy, like memcache

Luis L.

Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupry