This fails due to the expectation put on PostSharer receiving .new —
if I
remove that, then it all works fine… And if I look at the test
Delayed::Job has created a job for PostSharer, so it is all working as
desired… I just wanted to take it a step further and ensure that the
class is being instantiated. I am assuming this is because setting an
expectation on new is somehow changing the structure of the class and
delayed job? Maybe because it’s a struct?
PostsController creating a post sharing shares when it should
Failure/Error: post :create, { :submit_action => submit_type.to_s,
:post => new_post(post_attributes).attributes }
Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform
On Dec 1, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Patrick J. Collins wrote:
This fails due to the expectation put on PostSharer receiving .new — if I
remove that, then it all works fine… And if I look at the test database,
Delayed::Job has created a job for PostSharer, so it is all working as
You could automate “if I look at the test database” bit as part of the
I just wanted to take it a step further and ensure that the right
class is being instantiated.
Wouldn’t the record in the database be enough? If not, you could do
I am assuming this is because setting an
expectation on new is somehow changing the structure of the class and confusing
delayed job? Maybe because it’s a struct?
In rspec-mocks, when you say Klass.stub(:new), returns a
proxy, not an instance of the Klass. I’m pretty sure the same is true of
In rspec-mocks, when you say Klass.stub(:new), returns a proxy, not
an instance of the Klass. I’m pretty sure the same is true of mocha.
Ok-- I guess I wasn’t realizing that Klass.expects(:new) was actually
the class… I was thinking it was doing something like making a
duplicate of
the initialize method (making it something like “_initialize”) and then
overwriting the real initialize method with something that calls
but also sets a flag to indicate that .new had been called… So that’s
apparently not quite the case?
In any event, after reading what you wrote I got my test to pass by
PostSharer.expects(:new).once.returns stub(“Fake Post Sharer”, :perform
=> true)
So this way delayed_job still can call perform on the fake object and
is happy (especially me).