I have installed Railsinstaller without any problems. I am going
through the video. I ran into a few issues with errors in the video
which have already been answered on this site in regards to git. Now I
am all the way to the end of the video with the Engineyard deployment.
When I deploy I get an error about my gemlock file not having a
recognized database adapter which I figure is not a problem since the
webpage in the ridemo does not have anything with a database in it. The
problem is when I hit the http
button to look at the homepage that I can see fine on the localhost:3000
I get this message on the amazonec2 site:
We’re sorry, but something went wrong.
We’ve been notified about this issue and we’ll take a look at it
I do not know how to proceed from here. I am a complete noob when it
comes to RoR.