Problem with foxGUIb


I’m learning Ruby,m and I’m having a little problem.

Some days ago, I searched a GUI Builder to construct GUIs to my first
scripts, and founded foxGUIb.

In my Office (on a Windows XP 64bits box), I installed libGUIb without
troubles, and foxGUIb, was launched ok.

At home (Macbook), libGUIB, seems to be installed, but foxGUIb, gives me
this output when try to launch.

galilea:foxGUIb glpunzi$ ruby foxGUIb.rb
no such file to load – libGUIb16

Possible causes of this error are:

  • libGUIb is not installed
  • fxruby is not installed
  • fxruby gem could not be loaded because you did not start ruby with -
    rubygems option
  • other unexpected error. please check the following backtrace to find
    the cause of the error.

gem_original_require' /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:inrequire’

I tried to install again libGUIb, but all seems ok.

galilea:libGUIb glpunzi$ sudo ruby install.rb
install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
<— lib
install.rb: config done.
install.rb: entering setup phase…
—> lib
<— lib
install.rb: setup done.
parsearg_install!!! ARGV:
install.rb: entering install phase…
—> lib
mkdir -p /
install libGUIb14.rb /
install libGUIb16.rb /
<— lib
install.rb: install done.

I tried to start fxri to see if was a problem with Fox, but started

galilea:foxGUIb glpunzi$ gem list fxruby

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

fxruby (1.6.16)

A friend, told me he as the same problem, but he wrote
require “rubygems”

at the first lines in the script and worked, but this don’t works for me

Some idea?

Thanks in advance.

I run Linux at home too and a version or two previous i DID get foxGUIb
running don’t ask me how - I’ve forgotten :frowning:

anyhow i have on my latest updated *nix installed foxGUIb but to date
haven’t got it working. Remembered that i needed the foxGUI files in the
path so put them in the /usr/… dome directories down but that still

What i ended up doing was installing windows under virtualbox and alls
is well.



Giuseppe luigi Punzi ruiz wrote:


I’m learning Ruby,m and I’m having a little problem.

Some days ago, I searched a GUI Builder to construct GUIs to my first
scripts, and founded foxGUIb.

In my Office (on a Windows XP 64bits box), I installed libGUIb without
troubles, and foxGUIb, was launched ok.

At home (Macbook), libGUIB, seems to be installed, but foxGUIb, gives me
this output when try to launch.

galilea:foxGUIb glpunzi$ ruby foxGUIb.rb
no such file to load – libGUIb16

Possible causes of this error are:

  • libGUIb is not installed
  • fxruby is not installed
  • fxruby gem could not be loaded because you did not start ruby with -
    rubygems option
  • other unexpected error. please check the following backtrace to find
    the cause of the error.

gem_original_require' /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:inrequire’

I tried to install again libGUIb, but all seems ok.

galilea:libGUIb glpunzi$ sudo ruby install.rb
install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
<— lib
install.rb: config done.
install.rb: entering setup phase…
—> lib
<— lib
install.rb: setup done.
parsearg_install!!! ARGV:
install.rb: entering install phase…
—> lib
mkdir -p /
install libGUIb14.rb /
install libGUIb16.rb /
<— lib
install.rb: install done.

I tried to start fxri to see if was a problem with Fox, but started

galilea:foxGUIb glpunzi$ gem list fxruby

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

fxruby (1.6.16)

A friend, told me he as the same problem, but he wrote
require “rubygems”

at the first lines in the script and worked, but this don’t works for me

Some idea?

Thanks in advance.

The installer works for me on Linux, producing the output below. You can
see the two libGUIb files are copied to Ruby’s site_ruby/1.8 directory.
These two files are in the lib directory. Your output shows them being
copied to the wrong location, the root of the filesystem(/).

If you run IRB and type $:, you’ll get an idea of the paths Ruby
searches to find libraries. Mine looks like this:
irb(main):001:0> $:
=> ["/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8",
“/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/i386-linux”, “/usr/local/lib/site_ruby”,
“/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/i486-linux”, “/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby”,
“/usr/lib/ruby/1.8”, “/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux”,
“/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux”, “.”]

…so those files end up in that first location and everything works. You
just need to copy them to one of those locations on your system.
Obviously the installer program is not looking up that path correctly.

My output:

lesliev@lesliev-laptop:~/data/bin/foxGUIb_1.0.0/libGUIb$ ruby install.rb
install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
<— lib
install.rb: config done.
install.rb: entering setup phase…
—> lib
<— lib
install.rb: setup done.
parsearg_install!!! ARGV:
install.rb: entering install phase…
—> lib
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
install libGUIb16.rb /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
install libGUIb14.rb /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
<— lib
install.rb: install done.