Hi all,
Ruby 1.8.5
Solaris 10
For some reason the class level documentation isn’t being generated
when I run rdoc over this file, except for the ‘MyTest’ module. Foo
and Bar show nothing. What am I doing wrong here?
/* mytest.c */
#include <ruby.h>
/* Some random test method */
static VALUE foo_test(VALUE self){
return rb_str_new2(“hello”);
/* To quench your thirst */
static VALUE bar_drink(VALUE self){
return rb_str_new2(“gulp”);
void Init_mytest(){
* Document-module: Test
* The MyTest module, where we, like, test stuff.
VALUE mTest = rb_define_module(“MyTest”);
* Document-class: Foo
* Foo, Kung’s second cousin, twice removed.
VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class_under(mTest, “Foo”, rb_cObject);
* Document-class: Bar
* Bar, a class, not a drinking establishment.
VALUE cBar = rb_define_class_under(mTest, “Bar”, rb_cObject);
rb_define_method(cFoo, “test”, foo_test, 0);
rb_define_method(cBar, “drink”, bar_drink, 0);