I’m having the devil’s time trying to get things laid out correctly.
I’ve attached a screenshot so that you can get an idea of what I’m
seeing. I’ve got a very unattractive space under the two combo boxes,
and another one under the buttons. I don’t understand how to reduce
I know it’s impossible to guess what idiocy I might have created.
Therefore, (even though I don’t like doing this) the .xrc file for this
screen follows. I want to thank everyone willing to look at this and
help teach this beginner with wxRuby. Here it is:
I went directly to your screenshot, and realized what the problem was
without even looking at your message. Then I went and read your
Anyways, the problem, is that your xrc has the problem, of telling your
wxHORIZONTAL box, to have a proportion of 1, which is what you get ,
it’s taking up an even space between the three actual sizers you have in
your XRC Code.